by blick | Oct 1, 2018 | News
NEW COMPUTER SOFTWARE Federation Clinic was excited to transition to new computer software during September 2018. We thank everyone for their patience while we all worked on becoming familiar with the new programs. The new software was implemented to provide patients...
by blick | Sep 1, 2018 | News
WELCOME DR NICOLE CLANCY Federation Clinic is excited to welcome Dr Nicole Clancy to the team. After completing her medical degree with the University of NSW via a number of regional locations, she continued her studies in Diploma of Children’s Health and...
by blick | Sep 1, 2018 | News
The costs of running a quality medical practice and providing high quality services to patients are significant. We do our best to reduce the impact of cost increases to patients, and have been able to maintain our previous fee structure for the past two years. We...
by blick | Aug 1, 2018 | News
WELCOME DR DANELLE CLARKE Federation Clinic is excited to welcome Dr Danelle Clarke to the team. Growing up in Albury-Wodonga, Danelle the completed her medical degree at the University of Melbourne followed by a number of years working as a General Practitioner in...
by blick | Jul 1, 2018 | News
MEDICAL STUDENTS Federation Clinic has been involved in the teaching of medical, midwifery and nursing students for more than 30years. During 2018 we are hosting a number of medical students who will have the opportunity to experience and participate in the services...