by blick | Dec 1, 2016 | News
Medical Student: Christian Kunde Federation Clinic has been involved in the teaching of medical, midwifery and nursing students for more than 30 years. During August 2016 we hosted 5th-year medical student Christian Kunde, who was able to experience and participate in...
by blick | Nov 1, 2016 | News
New Service: Pregnancy Support Visit Federation Clinic now offers a Pregnancy Support Visit with Sue, our Nurse Practitioner. This visit is recommended when you are approximately 32 weeks pregnant. During this visit, Sue will provide support & information relevant...
by blick | Oct 1, 2016 | News
Reception Staff Changes September saw the departure of Annabelle from the reception team as she embarked on an overseas adventure. Annabelle made a great contribution to the team during her time with us and thoroughly enjoyed the diversity and experience of working in...
by blick | Feb 1, 2016 | News
Federation Clinic has seen a number of new staff join the Practice in 2016 as a result of our expanding services, new GP Registrars and changes in reception as some staff have headed off to University and overseas adventures. New staff in 2016 have included; Dr...
by blick | Jan 1, 2016 | News
We are very excited to have our new website up and running. We welcome your feedback about anyway in which we could further improve or enhance this site. Any feedback or suggestions can be emailed to or by phoning our reception team on...