News May 2017

FLU VACCINATIONS   Flu vaccinations are usually available from late March or early April each year, depending upon the availability of the annual national vaccine stocks. It is recommended that most people have an annual flu vaccination as the strains of flu are often...

News April 2017

WE APPRECIATE YOUR FEEDBACK Federation Clinic encourages patients to provide feedback and suggestions about any areas of our practice or service delivery that we could improve. A few recent improvements made as a result of patient feedback include a baby change mat in...

News March 2017

RECEPTION STAFF CHANGES We have recently farewelled Marie from the reception team as she embarks on a new adventure. As a result, we welcomed Donna to the team. Donna has many years of experience in general practice, allied health and public health administrative...

News February 2017

Welcome: Dr Lachlan McKeeman Federation Clinic welcomes Dr Lachlan McKeeman to the team. After completing a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at Deakin University, he then completed his medical degree at the University of Wollongong. Lachlan now joins Federation Clinic...

Practice Accreditation in 2017

The Accreditation process assesses the quality of a General Practice against professionally developed standards. In our case, these standards are set by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). At Federation Clinic, the Accreditation assessment...

News January 2017

Reception Staff Changes Federation Clinic will implement several changes to the reception team during January. Several of our junior and gap year staff will be farewelling the clinic as they continue their journey to University and other endeavours. We will be saying...